ESTRIA "Boba Fett" Painting

ESTRIA "Boba Fett" Painting

ESTRIA "Boba Fett" Painting.Measures 12”x16”x.5”. From 2014.

Acrylic on canvas

Estria has mixed his favorite things; his fixation of space travel through portals combined with his love of urban art.

Estria Miyashiro is Hawaiian, Japanese, Okinawan, Irish and German. He has been envisioning, planning and painting community mural projects and large-scale commissioned installations around the world for over 30 years. His recent project, Mele Murals has focused on harmoniously fusing an ancient Hawaiian way of being with contemporary visual story telling.

Meditation is a prerequisite to painting. Subject matter has shifted from experiences of the body to servitude, transcendence, mihi (forgiveness), aloha and light. Estriaʻs canvas work takes viewers to a realm where time is not linear. 

Grounding and connecting with heaven and earth allows a direct link with ke akua (the supreme), kupuna (elders and ancestors), guardians and guides. This Hawaiian protocol accesses past lives’ forgotten lessons, and knowledge held by those who have journeyed on. Inspiration increases aloha and reverence for the land and water. This is our ancient way of communicating. 

About the Artist