Abby - "Untitled" Blackbook Drawing
Abby – “Untitled” Blackbook Drawing 2010. Alcohol and water based markers paper. Size 11X14"
ABBY, an alumni of Art & Design High School (NYC), started her
writing career around 1982, motion bombing on bus lines and walls of
her native Queens New York neighborhood. It was at Art & Design H.S.
where she discovered early female writer ‘Heart’ Lady Heart, thus
giving her the confidence that graffiti was not a “Boys Only” craft.
Mentors like Mare139, Seen TC5, Web and Doc nurtured her work,
as she independently developed her piecing style during her high school years.
ABBY was “Up” most often on the A, CC, E, F and sometimes on N, GG, 2
and 5 lines. Her art was prolific in the 80’s Black Book Culture Scene
as well as 90’s Wall Art Culture. In the New Millenium, ABBY has participated in live
painting at several events and made a return to street painting.