About the Artist
KADE198 is Founder and president of TMT Crew- The Magnificent Team KADE was born in raised in the Bronx and started writing in 1975 and later founded the TMT Crew in 1977. TMT Crew became known for their stylish lettering and color schemes which made their pieces force to be reckoned with during the mid-70's.
Former crews that KADE wrote for include MTA, 3YB, Cheeba Action. Some graffiti artist that KADE has painted with include: TEAN5, CHAIN3, REE2, PARTONE, FUZZONE, REPEL, CHINO MALO, BEST149, MAURICE167, and NIKE.
KADE's writing partner and brother is TEAN5 most of their whole cars were done together as two man cars, until Chain3 joined forces with TMT, and many whole car productions. Subway line hit 2,5,4,1 and many others.
Members of the TMT Crew include: CHAIN3, SKEME, REE2, FED2, TEEN125, FUZZONE, EC3, TYBU2 R.I.P ADROCK R.I.P. EN005 R.I.P. VINE, FLO149, TADE, MOON and many more.
KADE is well known for his lettering style, great drawing skills, and detail work.